When I’m sick, I usually want to eat something tasty: fast food, sweets, or cappuccino with oat milk.
Can we consume coffee when we have a cold? For a healthy person, coffee is of reasonable harm and slightly beneficial due to available antioxidants. During a cold, it is important to realize how it will affect your body and interact with the prescribed medicines.
The obvious advantage of coffee is the ability to give an energy boost. Most of us consume it trying to find the stamina to go to work or solve some problems while we’re ill because any cold is accompanied by fatigue and weakness. Сoffee helps us mobilize energy if the cold is mild. Of course, we need a thorough rest because it’s harmful to be up when we’re ill. The lack of regimen often makes our condition worse, but sometimes we have no choice. I think it is worth refraining from drinking coffee for a couple of days. There are several reasons for that.
Caffeine causes a diuretic effect and can increase the risk of dehydration. Stay hydrated and drink more water than you typically consume. Coffee should be avoided if you have diarrhea or vomiting. If you are used to drinking a lot of coffee every day, your body has already adapted to it. But it will still be healthier to drink plain water, tea, or juice.
The second most important reason is that coffee is acidic and acidifies the body’s internal environment. If you are diagnosed with a stomach ulcer or have any digestive disorder, coffee will aggravate the disease. About 20-30 minutes after black coffee consumption, acidity in the stomach reaches its peak. The increase in the drink concentration in the stomach causes elevated levels of free hydrochloric acid. Total acidity increases, thereby accelerating the digestion processes. Coffee stimulates the production of gastric acid and thus should be excluded from the diet of patients with peptic ulcers and hyperacid gastritis. Coffee lovers diagnosed with these diseases are often advised to substitute this drink with barley, acorn, and other beverages.
Also, coffee interacts with antibiotics and stimulant medications prescribed to relieve flu and cold symptoms. Therefore, when you are prescribed powerful medications, you’d better consult your doctor. You can also substitute coffee with a caffeine-free alternative that won’t affect your treatment.
So, what should you do when you have a cold? For a healthy person, coffee is beneficial if consumed moderately. Sick people can drink coffee only to comfort themselves. So, be careful.